Video Doorbell

A Smart Video Doorbell is a high-tech doorbell that includes a wireless camera, night vision capability, live video on demand, and a two-way communication system. It helps deter burglars and discourages them to attempt. Not just that, it is also inclusive of an auto-motion-activation, wide-angle camera lens, Wi-Fi compatible, weather-resistant and motion sensors that are all adjustable. If the sensor notices any motion you will be alerted via your smartphone, pc or tablet (whichever device you have connected the live video alerts to) and thus, it enables you to respond to the person whether friend or for at the door in real-time from anywhere. Hence, it is a highly cost-effective form of home security and a very convenient way of detecting and preventing intruders.

This ability to connect to your home network and the internet means you can use your smartphone to monitor who is around your front door, have a conversation with the person standing next to the smart doorbell, and possibly even record video.

As with a traditional doorbell, pressing the button on a smart doorbell lets you know someone is at your front door – but where a traditional doorbell might chime or ring somewhere in the home (via a wire or wireless connection from the doorbell to the ringer or chime), a smart doorbell provides additional options.